Aug 8
Basu Announces his wedding with Dr.K.Rani on the August 22nd morning at J.S.Kalyana Mandapam at Vadapalani, Chennai.
There will be a reception on the 21st August (Sunday) at the same venue at 6:30 pm. Bus is arranged from Vellore which will
leave Vellore at around 2:00 to 2:30 pm and will return back the same night. All of '95 and friends are invited.
Jun 23
95 yet again proved its mettle in the recent Superspeciality Entrance exams. Amit , who had finished MD Gen Med from
AIIMS appeared for DM gastroenterology; Rama , who had finished MD Gen Med from Jam Nagar, appeared for DM Cardiology, and
Basu appeared for DM nephrology. All three of them were selected for the interview . Infact Amit and Rama figured in the final
waiting list and were not able to get the seats mainly because of the fact that sponsored candidates got through. Basu, sponsored
by CMC got into DM nephrology course, thus becoming the first one from '95 to do so. Rama joins NON PG in Cardiology
department. Amit has gone back to Delhi to continue his Senior residency job in Medicine and will try again.
On a lighter note, especially in the wake of the engaged people (Satheesh, Basu) surprisingly getting into courses they
wanted to pretty easily, guys should take the cue and get engaged, may be the "lady luck" is the missing link in the route
to ur course!...Congrats to Basu and All the ebst to Rama and Amit.
JUN 12
Satheesh weds Kavin in a grand celebration
in Marthandam. The reception on the 12th of June 05 in Karaikudi is when the Batch of 95.was represented by Anton,
Arpit, Appu, Kottamma & Vittal, Meshach and Renol.
An adventurous car drive of 800 km with
Vittal and Meshach piloting the cars through the ever exciting highways punctuated by desirable and undesirable breaks - was
a major part of the trip. The reception was preceeded by the Chruch service where we caught our first glimse of the bride.
Kavin-means beauty in tamil and truly Satheesh is a happy man. P.S: by the way Kavin happens to increase the political clout
of the Batch being an Ex- MLA’s daughter (You know who’s the other one? Clue: She is the only girl who came for
this wedding from our batch.? May be the political connection!? Oops! sorry for the digression.) The flavour was Chettinad,
from the breakfast to the lunch and everything in between. That includes a quick tour of the grand Chettiar’s villa – the beautiful mansion in yesteryear’s style reminiscent of Old traditions.
And the spicy smell of the spicy food….brought us back in time for the reception and the luscious lunch. For Satheesh,
the marriage is the culmination of a long ordeal of SMSes and phone calls and long hours of dreamy gaze at his engagement
video and snaps. Now all is going to be LIVE! We wish the new 95-couple all the
very best of life truly Chettinad style –Very Very Spicy Spicy…..
- Renol M Koshy
PREMILA GETS INTO D.Opth JUN 06 Premila Wilfred has joined Diploma in Opthalmology at the Stanley Medical College,
Chennai earlier last month. Congratulations Premila ! We wish you all the very best!
May 05
Smitha and Jacob were promoted to parenthood on the unique day dated 05-05-05 with the arrival of a cute girl baby. Wish
you both all the very best in this new position of responsibility and love and May god shower His choicest blessings
on this new life added to our 95 family!
Smitha and Jacob's Baby Girl |
23 Satheesh Solomon got engaged to Dr.Kavin from Maarthandam earlier this month. No sooner than thsi happened, along with
Kavin came a new lease of good luck. Satheesh who had previously been in the waiting list for diploma in Opthalmology course
in CMC Vellore got into D.OPTH as the person before him had left the course. Sathessh announced his wedding with Dr. Kavin
on Jun 9th at Marthandam and the reception will be held on Jun 12th.
23 Dr.Abha Chaudhry, who had earlier done her DCH from CMC, had moved to the US after marrying Mr.Manish Raj. Now she has
cleared her MLE and has got into a pediatric residency at Miami. Congratulations
23 Amarjeet Jiwanmal who had earlier been to the UK has returned to CMC Vellore and has joined the Dept. of Psychiatry
as NON PG and is planning to specialise in the same. Welcome Home Amarjeet!
May 22
Arpita Abraham, who is currently working in LCECU got engaged to Pradeep Ninan of Batch of 1994 who is currently
doing final year MS Gen Surg at CMC. The engagement took place last week. The wedding will most probably be after Pradeep's
Congratulations Arpita!!!
MAY 01
Remeber the class prayers we used to have during College days... As we have a good number of people
around Class prayers have been restarted!! They are scheduled to happen every saturday at 6pm at the Hospital Chapel. This
will bring us all together in prayer and also provide an opportunity to meet each other. Kudos to those behind restarting
this. Let us get together...
Mar 31
Manish Dugar, successfully completed his three year MD Internal Medicine
course by passing the practical examination held in CMC Vellore on Mar 30th. He will be arouning tellore for another few days
and will be leaving to Calcutta soon for some time off and also to ponder over his next career move. He thus becomes the first
postgraduate from Batch of 95. All the best and three cheers Manish!!
Feb 6
As was last year I am extremely happy and proud to announce the marvellous
performance of our classmates at the entrance exams this year:
M.D. GEN.MED - Suceena Alexander*
M.S. GEN. SUR - Arpit Mathew
Sujith Varghese*
M.D. Anaes. - VINODH.M.P.*
D.Ortho -
Anton Job
D.C.H - Muthulakshmi
D.G.O - Renjith
D.Opth. - Meshach
D.Anaes -
Pankaj Vanjare*
Suman is in w/l no.1 in DGO and Premila w/l no. 5 in DCH
That has nearly >60% of our classmates into CMC right now...At
this point we should Pray to GOD for all his blessings on our class and continue praying for all our classmates future
Jan 11
Wish u all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2004. Sincere apologies for my inability
to update the website for the last so many days...
So here is me catching up with 2004 with u all. Ofocurse we had a perfect
year in 2003 started of with homeocoming of a lot of our classmates, many of them making it into PG in CMC, lots of
weddings and not to mention that we all graduated to uncles and aunties...the first 95 kids came into this world.
Shiji married long time love Sisha. Priya marriage was indeed a
surprise in a short time...and she'll be off to UK soon with hubby Stephen Samuel. Meanwhile To join Jessica (Mary's girl
baby), there was a big queue...with Georgene, Surya and Rashmi delivering in series..To add to all the academic successes
of 95 this year, Anila Chandy got a really good 100 something rank in PGI chandigarh exam and got into CMC ludhiana for MD
Gen Med (open)... And finally this year also saw homecoming of some of our classmates... not to forget that Deepak left ot
UK and Kiran left to US...
Now what to hope for in 2004...
Well firstly academic successes may be continued ..hoping that all our
classmates do get into whatever courses they like to...
As for the weddings...already we ahve the list announced with Synthia
marrying Rajiv, an orthopedician from JIPMER on Jan 16th; Gopi weds Krishnapriya from MMC; James Adams will find his
Eve in Vandana on Feb 9th at Orissa.
As for the baby boon...Madhavi is expecting a new year gift from God
on Jan 4th...Our guys are catching up this year...we already know that Meshach and Sujith are expecting to bring in their
"bundles of joy" into this world...
And what more...the webmaster hopes that all of you all would contribute
to this website and make it more live and interactive this year...
So here's us marching into 2004 with heart full of hope and mind full
of joy and peace...
Aug 7
95's first baby arrived on the 2nd of August far far away from India - Mary delivered a cute
healthy girl baby JESSICA ELIZABETH DAWSON. Here's Mary's message:
dear friends,
I am happy to announce to you the arrival of Jessica Elizabeth Dawson into our family on Aug 2nd. She was 7.15 pounds heavy
and was 20" long. We thank God for his gift of children. Please remember us in your prayers that God's grace will continue
to be with us. love Sumithra Dawson
(Mary Jessie).
Jul 14
On the
Jul 13th Sunday was a party that 95 celebrated on the eve of its 8th year of coming together. There
was plan made out atleast two weeks in advance and a van was booked to take nearly 20 of us to Amirthi. Started at 2:00 pm from CMC hospital, we reached
Amirthi with all great expectations at around 3:30 pm. After wandering around in the zoo trying
to wake the sleeping crocodile, Rose getting excited about the POLAR Bear, pelican watch, finally we hit the rocks only to
find that there was a puddle of water covered with algae. Ofcourse after a little dispaoointment our enthusiasm notwithstanding
we immediately started a river(?)side cricket. And the girls would climb up the rocks Anita climbed up a litlle too juch than
what she can come down and was expecting Rose to rescue her Rose was too caugh up in the cricket though. Some of them stayed
back to watch the cricket match whereas the tam led by Anila went on a trek down the stream to explore new areas. The cricket
match was by far very interesting with Abhay getting the ball into one bush or the other, Amarjeet taking rest at every possible
occasion and Abrar bai scoring runs after runs, and Rose trying the reverse swing. After the tiring?! Match we al had hot
samosas from Cal sweets and Chips. Just about when we were about to leave at 6pm there was the elusive water as rain still
not enough to rench our clothes. However we climbed on the mini airbus and started playing multilingual antakshari half the
time the songs were not even heard!!
saw a wonderful party at the Surabhi International Hotel at Vellore were the rains spoilt our hope of a rooftop party and
we however were given a separate hall. There was a wonderful class cake that Rose and Anita cut for the Batch of 95. Following
which we had the Birthdays game and finally a nice dinner. It indeed was a nice evening and we are looing forward to more
of this!! A big hand to Rose who organized this event.
Jun 4
Muthulakshmi married Vinodh M.P., on the fourth of June, 2003 at Vellore. The wedding was a short, sweet and simple affair at
the Vinayagar temple at Shenbaakkam, Vellore, at 7:20 am in the morning. There was also a reception at the Rani Mahal (opposite Lakshmi talkies)
on the same day in the evening at 7:30 pm, followed by a tasty dinner. There was a lot of CMC crowd at the wedding. Everybody at Vellore could make it to the reception with
a few exceptions. We wish them both all the very best in life.
May 31
Sujith Varghese Thomas married Sunitha Henry Kannan of batch of 1996, CMC, Vellore at Trivandrum on the 31st May Trivandrum. A lot of us did plan
to go to the wedding but unforeseen complications and circumstances forced us from actually making it to the wedding. We wish
both of them a wonderful and joyful married life ahead.
May 4
Smitha E George married Jacob E Mathews, MCh Neurosurgery PG in CMC Vellore, and Suryas cousin on the third of
May 2003 at
Kalamassery Marthoma Church. It indeed was nice time, as nearly 1/4th of our batch were
there for her wedding. Most of us landed up the day before or same day at kerala there was Anoop, Arpit, Basu, Jeyanth, Manish,
James, Harikishan, and Sujith with his pack of wedding cards, Anila, Anita, Suman, Elsa and Jeeva. There was a hotel arranged
for us to stay. Initially all the guys were put up in an A/C accommodation and the girls were given a non A/C accommodation
due to unavailability of A/C accommodation. The guys had freshened up while the girls were still not yet finished. So they
gave the keys to their room to speed up the process and left to the wedding early on. Of course with Anila around there has
to be some prank played what to say with full support from Anita, these girls moved every bit of the guys luggage to the non
A/C room and occupied the A/C room much to the surprise of guys who came back!!! lot more funny moments there. The wedding
was threatened by a flash Bandh announced by the BJP in Kerala, but all of us could somehow make it to the wedding on time.
After a short and sweet ceremony we had a very nice and tasty lunch and were off to Sumans place for some refreshments so
as to wait till 6pm to
let the bandh finish before we get out to enjoy some bit of Ernakulam. At Sumans place we got served a lot of mangoesas these
plates made long rounds and there were lot of us who were not so shy, every time the mango-loving Jeyanth would hold the plate,
before he could lay his hand on one more mango piece, they would all vanish!!! We had fun watching Sumans wedding video and
snaps. And well before the bandh got over we hit it off at the Backwaters of Cochin, boating to see the port and the naval
base with some spectacular view of the cochin shore side, Indian naval ships and a beautiful rainbow as it was bright and drizzly. Soon
we found our way into the train to reach Vellore. It indeed was a memorable trip.
JUN 06
When we started…I’m
referring to the illusive bunch of people that represented batch of 95 in Anoop’s wedding at Chalakudi – Namely,
Arpit, Renol, Anton, Basu, Anugrah, Hari, Ajay, Amarjeet, Sujith with Sunitha, it was indeed getting late for the train. And
what with Ajay’s brilliant idea of having hot cup of coffee while the auto was negotiating the bumpy Vellore roads and
spilling the hot coffee on Anugrah at “unparliamentary” parts….it was all funfilled and interesting a journey
we were going to have. We caught the sleepy man sitting at the CMC HELPDESK at the KATPADI railway station (Actually caught
him napping) and took photographs with him!! And we found Dr. GMV for company too! We did catch the train on time that night
and after a long gas session we were sleeping peacefully until about 700 am . train
reached chalckudi a little late as usual and we all got down and were about to leave when we realized Anton is missing…
and just as we ran back to the station…there Anton was in the station thankfully
- he had just got out of sleep – woken up by his 6th sense as he put it. We were taken to Hotel Rachna
by Annop’s brother Ajay. After much debate as to who goes in first and
who next all of us had bath and went to Anoops beautiful residence where we had really tasty appam with stew…oooo. Then
we all got to dress up anoop (or atleast pose so for the photograph). Then off we went to the Sion Seminary Church for the wedding. The Bride
Sherin arrived in a beautiful White sari. The wedding was a traditional Orthodox Wedding ceremony with a big crowd attending.
Almost all the prayer and sermon were in Malayalam. The ceremony concluded in a short and quick reception at the Cosmos Club,
Chalakudi – a simple place that was done up were tastefully. And The food was really something that we can keep praising.
It was luscious lunch with all possible malayali dishes that tasted really good. The contended Anugrah’s statement “
all my malayali food dreams were satisfied in this one meal” would not be an over statement. Anoop was a happy married
man! In the Cool but Humid weather with a few drizzles we did have time to take the vandi to the nearby marvelous Athirapally falls…Oh what a view that was. Drenched partly in sweat and parlty in the water
droplets emanating from the falls we all came back to catch the train just in time to be back in Vellore the next day. Congratulations Anoop!
Mathew Zooms past Basu and Satheesh - no formula one here though. Anoop who's wedding was fixed much after the previous two,
is getting married well ahead of them. Anoop is getting married to Dr.Sherin, on the Jun 5th at Chalakudi. He has invited
each and everyone of Batch of 95 and family to this important event in his life. Best Wishes for a happy married life !
23 In a few weeks time Dr.Manish Dugar, the best outgoing student of our batch, is (out)going to Australia for further
studies. We wish him all the very best!
Raju after a long period of 8 months or so of courtship finally got married to Savitha at Belgaum on the 14th of April 2005.
The wedding took place at the Methodist Church in Belgaum. This elegant ceremony was followed by reception at The Mahavir
Hall . The reception was eventful with words of praise for both Ajay and Savitha in abundance. But the highlight of the evening
was the surprisingly candid and emotional speech by the Groom. Did we see some tears in the Brides eyes!? Or was it just
our imagination!! Well Well! Ofcourse how can we forget the long list of relatives that were thanked at the end of ceremony
by the Bride's brother . Well it did ended just in time for the pleasant vegetarian dinner. Wish you both a happy and blessed
married life ahead!
Jul 12
Sameer Siddique, weds Hamna, of Cochin, on Sunday the 18th of July, 2004. Nikah at 12:00noon at the International
Convention Center Maradu, Cochin. Sameer Invites everybody for his wedding. The cards are being distributed in vellore.
Apr 18
Pankaj, currently doing D.A in CMC,
Vellore, announces his wedding with Vaibhavi, a pediatrician (DCH) from Kolhapur, on the 16th of May 2004, at 4:30
pm at All Saints Church, Tarabai Park, Near Residency Club, Kolhapur and Thereafter Reception at Hotel Pavilion, Basant Bahar
Talkies Road, Shahpuri, Shirgaonkar Estate, Kolhapur, between 7 and 10 pm. All of the batch mates and their family are cordially
invited by Pankaj and family.
ARCHANA MATCHES INTO HARVARD NEUROLOGY! Feb 3 Archana who would be completing her internal medicine rotation at Baltimore
has matched into Harvard/ Massachusets General Hospital for Neurology starting this July 2004. It is the best program in the
country and she feels very privileged to train there. She will be rotating in Mass General Hospital, Boston and Brighams
and Womens General hospital and Harvard and MIT for basic neurosciences research.
Jan 09
Madhavi Palaparthi delivered a cute little girl baby on Jan 9 - being
the first 95 baby of the New year - named MIHIKA.
Madhavi and Nirmal's Mihika |

JAN 16
We started off from Vellore on a nice little van to reach upto The Cathedral in Chennai where
Synthia was getting married to Rajiv, D.ortho working in PONDY. Anugrah, Jeyanth, Gopi, Hari, James, Deepak, Amarjeeet, Suceena,
Muthu, Georgene, Anita ... The trip was fine with the van fellow going at snail pace and in between tyring to play a
really pakka tappaanguthu song much to Anugrah's distress... When we landed up at th YWCA guest house for changing...due
to unfortunate events on the women's side...we all missed the wedding and reached the Cathedral when the bride and groom
where going to enter the Car...The Cathedral itself a beautiful place an the decorations for Synthia's reception were par
excellence...The flower works and the live doves on stage..added to the glamour of the event. The Reception went on well.
Dinner too was luscious and nice. Some of us did break in between and went on a trip to Spencers Plaza which was just a five
min drive from the wedding place. It was a nice evening to remember.
Synthia weds Rajiv |

Jan 18
In keeping with the wedding spree, Abha wrote to the webmaster regarding
her wedding....
Hi 95,
Im getting married to Manish Raj Thakur,a management consultant settled in San Fransisco.The
wedding is in Deoghar(Jharkhand) on the 22nd of Feb and a reception in Delhi on the 3rd of March.Invitation cards are on the way.Do try and make it....
Good luck ,take care and keep in touch.
Luv abha...
Hi everyone. Let me first congratulate all of u who got into pg!! been a very long time. though
I havent been visiting the website very often, Ive been keeping fairly in touch with few of our classmates and so get to update
my news! I am happy to announce that I am well on my way to becoming the 4th gravida of cmc95!im currently in my 8th month
and am due in jan04.ill most probably be shifting to Singapore after the delivery and hope to do my pg there. please do pray for me...and Ive got one more
request.. please do let me know if u has any info on pg in Singapore. Ive tried the net but have been unsuccessful. I could really use some help. bye keep
in touch.
Jul 19
After the long wait the Tamilnadu
counseling took place and Gopi whio got a 120something rank got into MD geriatrics a unique course in an upcoming field with
only two seats available in India and that too only in MMC, Chennai. He will be joining on the 14th July into the course. Work is light with once a
week duties, and nowadays he comes back to Vellore almost everyday. Wish Gopinath All the very Best.
Jul 18
This month indeed saw another
set of twin weddings Deepak married Roseline, a dentist from UK, on
the July 4th . The marriage was at the St.Johns church at Vellore Fort, followed by this was the reception at our own
Scudder Auditorium in CMC. The reception was attended by most of our classmates. There was a full auditorium mostly filled
with CMCites. The reception was compered by Dr.Gagandeep Kang and the wedding toast was made by Dr.George Chandy, who was
indeed a relieved man after the SC ruling in favour of CMC came only a day before the wedding. Deepak thanked his classmates
(even before the Bishop and the Reverend ! worth noting and feeling good) and also said that this was the 20th wedding that
our batch has seen and requested that most others should get married by the end of this year so that he can attend those weddings
before he leaves for UK. The Dinner was a delight and so was the desert. Post dinner class meet discussed the possibility
of a class party at Amirthi on the 13th July on the eve of the 8th Class Anniversary. Before anybody could get
over the memories of this pleasant evening another one was in waiting I mean the Dinakar Pauline Wedding. OF course there
was too much of waiting mysterious enough that Dinakar came almost three hours late. The wedding was delayed and so the reception
held in the beautiful and bright Dhanalakshmi mahal was delayed by three hours and hence it became the most awaited wedding
of the year!! Dinakar was as usual in the bright colour combination of a maroon shirt and a light coluoured Blazer relaxed
and calm at the wedding. The wedding camera man who was literally bored to death by the three hour wait had taken a fancy
for Anila Chandy, filming her from all possible angles and of course Anila blushed a lot!!! That besides the point, The reception
went on well and last heard Dinakar was driving his way towards Mahabs with Pauline. He is planning to leave to US by the
end of this year having completed his Step1 successfully. Wish both the couples all the very best in life.
P.S: Firang aspirers may
note that It may indeed be true that if u have the slightest Golt connection u r bound to leave India for UK or US.
Jun 12
Are u aware that 25 out of 60 are down and out of the single list!! The 95 wedding spree continues Salome Jeyabalan,
currently working in Maharashtra, is getting married to Prince on the 19th
June 2003 at 9.30 am at the St. John the Baptist Church Kadakshapuram, which will be followed by a reception at their residence
at Sattankulam, Tuticorin Dt., Tamil Nadu. She welcomes all of us for her wedding. More weddings are on the anvil Deepak is
getting married to a dentist in UK in July and so is the much awaited Dinakar Pauline wedding
- both are in July and in Vellore.
JUN 16
It may be true
that next year might see a much awaited increase in the medicine and surgery post graduate seats. Apparetnly the required
permission from the authorities has been obtained but then there has to be an increase in the number of units to admit more
PGs. Surgery is planning to split into six units , and medicine is supposed to be planning to split into 4 units. Atleast
surgery has been elaborate plans t go on as six units from the month of August. Let us hope to see the increase seats sooner
rather than later.
Jun 12
You may well learn that the kutties of 95 are arriving. Three of our classmates are goin to be parents Mary is expecting
around mid August, Georgene too is having a baby. And when we all wondered why surys didnt turn up for Smithas wedding it
is not only that there was a bandh also that she was expecting and didnt want to travel long. Well let us pray for the kutties
as they come in to become part of this great family of 95 batch!
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